Permanently Block All 'Candy Crush Saga' Notifications On Facebook in Easy Way - are you surfing on google and finding this blog
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Permanently Block All 'Candy Crush Saga' Notifications On Facebook in Easy Way
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Permanently Block All 'Candy Crush Saga' Notifications On Facebook in Easy Way
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Permanently Block All 'Candy Crush Saga' Notifications On Facebook in Easy Way
Block Candy Crush Saga Invites Notifications on Facebook
Many of your Friends on Facebook sent you annoying request invites .If you don't like these type of invites block these request invites on facebook is a better way to stop these spam.It's hard to avoid the masses of people playing Candy Crush Saga, the addictive hit game by But you can avoid them and the annoying notifications they send you on Facebook.
The process of blocking Candy Crush Saga notifications from friends takes all of two seconds. Here's how to do it.
1. Log on to Facebook and pull down the notifications tab on the top right of your home screen.
2. Hover over the X next to one of your Candy Crush notifications, which will prompt you to "turn off." 3. Click the X, and it will give you the option to turn off all notifications from Candy Crush Saga. 4. Click "Turn Off" and voila! Candy Crush Saga is banned from sending you alerts. You can also alert Facebook if you feel it or another app is spamming you. 5. To make sure you did this correctly, go into your notifications settings and make sure the Candy Crush Saga app box is unchecked and enjoy a more quiet Facebook.
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